Employer Not Paid Salary

Legal Remedies and quick pointers:

1. Immediately contact your Legal advisor and brief him about the scenario and explain him about your nature of employment contract etc.

2. Send a requisition mail to your employer requesting for the dues by a given time frame.

3. Send him a legal notice once you’re unsuccessful in step 2. 

4. Subsequent step is to file application before the Labour court to recover the due salary.

5. Once the application gets filed before the Labour court, hearing will take place before the presiding officer with regard to your matter and notice will be sent from the court.

6. Then once the notice gets served to your employer from the labour court he will have to contest the case, and trial will go on.

7. And after the trial is done during the interim he can either settle the matter or after the trial gets complete he will get a judgment and award for his salary. Then the employer will have to pay according to the order/award of the court

*For further information on the same, we request you to kindly get in touch with your Labour lawyer for better clarification and redressal.
